Chad Woodford
Inside The Investigation To Get To The Bottom Of Russia’s Role In The Election
buzzfeed · 2696 days ago
Resistbot · 2698 days ago
Amazon gives up fight for Alexa’s First Amendment rights after defendant hands over data
theverge · 2698 days ago
The U.S. Government’s Privacy Watchdog Is Basically Dead, Emails Reveal
theintercept · 2698 days ago
WikiLeaks reveals the CIA hacked into Apple iPhones, Google Android phones and Samsung TVs
recode · 2698 days ago
An Artist Helps iTunes’ User Agreement Go Down Easy
nytimes · 2698 days ago
EFF to Court: Forcing Someone to Unlock and Decrypt Their Phone Violates the Constitution
eff · 2699 days ago
Tech:NYC Statement on Updated Immigration Ban Executive Order
technyc · 2699 days ago
Facebook has started to flag fake news stories
recode · 2700 days ago
Google's Fake News Problem Could Be Worse Than on Facebook
fortune · 2699 days ago
The cloud has a problem that Amazon’s $150 million typo has neatly revealed
technologyreview · 2700 days ago
JPMorgan Software Does in Seconds What Took Lawyers 360,000 Hours
bloomberg · 2705 days ago
#90 Matt Lieber Goes to Dinner — Reply All — Overcast
gimletmedia · 2700 days ago
Ten Questions for President Trump
lawfareblog · 2701 days ago
How Is Trump Planning to Attack Reproductive Rights, LGBT Equality, and Religious Minorities? We’ll Find Out.
aclu · 2702 days ago
A software engineer was detained by U.S. Customs — and given a test to prove he’s an engineer
recode · 2704 days ago
Helping You See Outside Your Bubble
buzzfeed · 2702 days ago
Email privacy could be a quick win for Trump and Congress
techcrunch · 2702 days ago
Large Majorities See Checks and Balances, Right to Protest as Essential for Democracy
people-press · 2702 days ago
Notable Americans on the Free Press
medium · 2702 days ago
Trumpcast: Trump’s War With the Press [AD-FREE] — Trumpcast (Ad-Free) — Overcast
slate · 2705 days ago
The Trump Administration Claims Its Immigration Ban Both Does and Doesn’t Exist. Huh?
slate · 2705 days ago
Sessions Says He'll Recuse Himself on Russia Probe If Needed
bloomberg · 2705 days ago
Nation of origin for immigrant founders of billion dollar startups
theatlas · 2706 days ago
I Did Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Workout. It Nearly Broke Me.
politico · 2706 days ago
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Fact Checking the French Election with CrossCheck, A Collaborative Reporting Initiative – Google News Lab
medium · 2706 days ago
Elizabeth Drew covered Watergate. Here’s what she thinks of Trump. — The Ezra Klein Show — Overcast
vox · 2706 days ago
FCC to halt rule that protects your private data from security breaches
arstechnica · 2708 days ago
State legislators take steps to criminalize protests
thehill · 2708 days ago
Here's why New York's tech sector will surpass Silicon Valley's
crainsnewyork · 2709 days ago
Arizona Republicans Want To Prosecute Protesters The Same Way They Do Terrorists
huffingtonpost · 2709 days ago
We can't let Congress eliminate consumer online privacy protections.
act.eff · 2710 days ago
White House effort to justify travel ban causes growing concern for some intel officials
cnn · 2710 days ago
Life In Shadows: A Cloaked Merrick Garland Is Crouched In The SCOTUS Rafters Whispering A Dissenting Opinion And Clutching A Withered Rose
clickhole · 2710 days ago
Appeals Court Says Filming The Police Is Protected By The First Amendment
techdirt · 2711 days ago
NO to DHS Social Media Password Requirement | Center for Democracy & Technology
cdt · 2712 days ago
Map the Impact
newamericaneconomy · 2712 days ago
Congress Must Protect Americans’ Location Privacy
eff · 2712 days ago
When A Politician Says 'Fake News' And A Newspaper Threatens To Sue Back
npr · 2712 days ago
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